MPLS for the masses

A Switch as an Internet Border Router

FIRT with selective FIB Install

I had the opportunity to present at ITNOG on the web the use of a switch as an internet border router, and how to set up a distribution strategy within the backbone to reduce the routing information while maintaining an “almost optimal” routing. For the border router, I used a selective FIB installation in TCAM only for significant destinations. The wide availability of RAM on recent switches permits to hold the FIRT (Full Internet Routing Table) and tag with a BGP Community the relevant destination to be loaded into the FIB.

The need for simplicity and standardization, at least in networking

The wheel has already been invented

As my knowledge and experience in networking evolved, I came to the conclusion that too much freedom and too many features can be very dangerous, especially in the wrong hands. After all, who would give a Ferrari to a young driver? The truth is that getting to the essence, removing the superfluous and using the right tools and in the right way, is a precious skill to be developed with continuous study, dedication and preferably under the right guidance.